Normally, when we put the password to the User we want to put a few characters, a few numbers. But if we want to define it, User password at least 8 characters, what should we do? This will be the way for you all. Please follow the instructions below:
Prior to the Control Panel, then Double Click on Administrative Tools like:
Then it will jump to the Double Click on the Local Security Policy.
Then the Local Security Policy to jump out , then go t
o Security Settings > Account Policies > Password Policy, Double Click on Minimum Password Length at the left side.
នៅក្នុងផ្ទាំង Minimum password length Properties ត្រូវកន្លែង Characters យើងអាចវាយនូវចំនួនតួអក្សរដែលយើងចង់កំណត់បាន
Click OK, and Log Off your computer, open back, when we put the Password to the User, it will require at least the number of characters that we have set. If we put less than that, Windows will be released the following Message