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Exercise YOGA is best for you Heart Attack

Research shows that small General prolonged Can decrease their symptoms by adding the Yoga on the use of their drugs. Research, which was published in The Journal of the American College of Cardiology Research is a test of the effectiveness of the Yogas on a heart problem known as atrial fibrillation.Disease, atrial fibrillation occurs when the heart top drawer of the vibration instead of the usual twitching It is not immediately dangerous But it can cause symptoms such as trembling in the chest, difficulty breathing and dizzy. 
Long time, it also increases the risk of heart attack.
Standard treatment, including prolonged And aspirin to prevent blood cell. However, such treatment often is not enough to protect in this period. In the new study, researchers see if the span gas treatment can help or not.

Research leader Dr. Nou of Maria La Parties RAM Ltd. (Dhanunjaya Lakkireddy) said that it is necessary to further research whether the span gas can have an impact on the nerve system, to help reduce blood pressure And prolonged., He found After span gas, the patient started to have symptoms less compared to the previous symptoms span gas. Kuala party RAM Ltd. says, Yoga treatment is not a substitute for drugs., He said, The same span gas does not reduce symptoms. You only need to use a drug that suits And follow the instructions of the doctor. But this shows that Yoga can be useful.

Research on patients 49 people have prolonged symptoms occur immediately And then go back Usually within 24 hours. Within the first 3 months, the patient did not make all daily activities. title="ក្រោយមក ក្នុង រយៈពេល ៣ ខែ , ពួកគេ បាន ធ្វើ យូ ហ្គា យ៉ាងហោចណាស់ ២ ដង ក្នុង មួយ សប្តាហ៍ , និង អ្នកខ្លះ ទៀត ធ្វើ វា ជា រៀងរាល់ថ្ងៃ ។">After 3 months, they take Yoga at least 2 times a week, and some people do it every day. Dr. Golden bu (Nieca Goldberg) is a doctor specializing in heart disease, said For research, it is not the management of patients that do not do Yoga.

Thus, it is not means Yoga benefit. Golden bu said Additional research is necessary., But he also emphasized that It is important for you to know different style of the Yoga, and some are not suitable Yoga Or risk to other heart problems.Golden bu said Research using the Yoga in the form of light.

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